Hello There!

If you didn't slam that with a 'General Kenobi', then leave this website now, anyway: Neocities is great! (They bribed me to say that).

Normally this is where it mentions bold and italic text, but I'm gonna ignore that, because chances are you have an IQ of that above a teaspoon.Here is a good place to tell you that the only reason this website exists is because we're making it for a school project. i think I'm just really gonna talk about Jedi Fallen Order here honestly.

I was forced to add an image so here is Baby Yoda, cause why not

If you haven't already realised, I like Star Wars (it's better than Marvel, Ryan)

My interests include:

I know what you're thinking. Just because the name is literally Rather-Suspicious, it's NOT a back door to the Dark Web. Thats Python But Worse. Shut that one down.

So, I said I would talk about Jedi Fallen Order, and here it is:

I'm not going to tell you how to play the game, cause you're probably intelligent. I'll just review it. My experience of playing it, it was my favourite game of the year. I guess I'm a little sad that you can't go back to Bracca after you finished it and find chests and stuff, but other than that Bracca is a great level. My favourite planet in the game is probably Bogano. It has a beautiful landscape and Eno Cordova's lightsaber stuff is awesome. Dathomir the first time round if you went there ASAP, was scary and a small map. The only upside is the double bladed lightsaber. It's friggin cool. The planet Zeffo was okay in the first bits,with decent chests and stuff, but I felt kinda Chlostrophobic when I reached the Tomb of Eliram. The AT-ST is also easy to deal with. I think Kashyyyk is the planet with the largest imperial presence, and taking down the AT-AT is pretty amazing. Other thanthat Kashyyyk is pretty much that.

When you complete Kashyyyk, I think of it as Round 2, because you return to all the old planets, startig with Zeffo. Fighting the Second Sister again is as cool as it gets,but the Chlostrophobia thing is still present in the Tomb of Miktrull,but the hanging sarcophagus bit is awesome. Despite this, the lantern puzzle levels are painful is you mess it up like I did. the highlight of Zeffo Round 2 is the Scomp Link!!!! Finally you can open the red chests! The gladiator ring at the end though was even cooler. Kashyyyk Round 2 is evn better though, the Shadowlands and the Origin Tree is te best part of Kashyyyk. Defeating the Ninth Sister (or not, I did it first time) is satisfying s well, cause you have he giant bird to fly you down (if you return to Kashyyyk at the end the bird is still there to take you back to the start of the Shadowlands so you don't walk like a peasant. Dathomir Round 2 in my opinion was scary, but it has good chests. the downside is getting your lightsaber destroyed. The next place Illum (a new planet, which as a friend pointed out to me is the locaton of Starkiller Base, return at the end and it's got the giant hole) is where you repiar your lightsaber and can change it's colour from other than blue or green. there is: purple, yellow, cyan, magenta and indigo. Cyan is my favourite cause it sounds kinda operatic when you turn it on. Getting a split lightsaber is also brilliant, but not as much. Back to Dathomir again, and it's easy, all you have to do is not fall down the giant hole you made last time. Fighting Taron Malicos is one of the best bits in the game (first time victory again). Getting the Astrium and leaving, back to Bogano, blah blah. the vision of Cal as an inquisitor is cool, and I wish you could have a red blade or inquisitor ring on the lightsaber so it spins would be really really cool. With the red blade thing, I know only Sith had them, but naturally red Kyber crystals are a thing! Few jedi had them cause of their rareity, but Darth Vader used one during Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi. Oh, and then Trilla steals the Holocron.

Fortress Inquisitorious is a hard level, and with no chests, you wonder the purpose od even going there other than to end the game. But fighting Trilla is the best fight in the game (defeated her first time as well). Then (drumroll) Darth Vader appears! You don't fight hin you just run away from him and the get stabbed by him. Fun times.

In conclusion, I would rate Jedi Fallen Order 9.5/10. That 0.5 is that when you bond yours and Cere Junda's lightsabers together, ther is no way to remove Cere Junda's switch from the lightsaber. I mean it doesn't look too bad, but if you want to put on anther switch and for your lightsaber to be symmetrical like I do, then it's a pain. Otherwise I find the game perfect.

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials! For anyone curious, that wasn't a bribe. That was a straight up gun to the head stuff for me to put that.